Solutions Statistics for Business and Economics 10 Ed. Anderson. Chapter 2

2.1 The response to a question has three alternatives: A, B, and C. A sample of 120 responses provides 60 A, 24 B, and 36 C. Show the frequency and relative frequency distributions.
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2.2 A partial relative frequency distribution is given....
a. What is the relative frequency of class D?
b. The total sample size is 200. What is the frequency of class D?
c. Show the frequency distribution.
d. Show the percent frequency distribution.

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2.3 A questionnaire provides 58 Yes, 42 No, and 20 no-opinion answers.
a. In the construction of a pie chart, how many degrees would be in the section of the pie showing the Yes answers?
b. How many degrees would be in the section of the pie showing the No answers?
c. Construct a pie chart.
d. Construct a bar chart.

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2.5 In alphabetical order, the six most common last names in the United States are Brown, Davis, Johnson, Jones, Smith, and Williams (The World Almanac, 2006). Assume that a sample of 50 individuals with one of these last names provided the following data....Summarize the data by constructing the following:
a. Relative and percent frequency distributions
b. A bar chart
c. A pie chart
d. Based on these data, what are the three most common last names?

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2.6 The Nielsen Media Research television rating measures the percentage of television owners who are watching a particular television program. The highest-rated television program in television history was the M*A*S*H Last Episode Special shown on February 28, 1983. A 60.2 rating indicated that 60.2% of all television owners were watching this program. Nielsen Media Research provided the list of the 50 top-rated single shows in television history (The New York Times Almanac, 2006). The following data show the television network that produced each of these 50 top-rated shows....
a. Construct a frequency distribution, percent frequency distribution, and bar chart for the data.
b. Which network or networks have done the best in terms of presenting top-rated television shows? Compare the performance of ABC, CBS, and NBC.

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2.7 Leverock’s Waterfront Steakhouse in Maderia Beach, Florida, uses a questionnaire to ask customers how they rate the server, food quality, cocktails, prices, and atmosphere at the restaurant. Each characteristic is rated on a scale of outstanding (O), very good (V), good (G), average (A), and poor (P). Use descriptive statistics to summarize the following data collected on food quality. What is your feeling about the food quality ratings at the restaurant?...
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2.8 Data for a sample of 55 members of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York, are shown here. Each observation indicates the primary position played by the Hall of Famers: pitcher (P), catcher (H), 1st base (1), 2nd base (2), 3rd base (3), shortstop (S), left field (L), center field (C), and right field (R)....
a. Use frequency and relative frequency distributions to summarize the data.
b. What position provides the most Hall of Famers?
c. What position provides the fewest Hall of Famers?
d. What outfield position (L, C, or R) provides the most Hall of Famers?
e. Compare infielders (1, 2, 3, and S) to outfielders (L, C, and R).

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2.11 Consider the following data....
a. Develop a frequency distribution using classes of 12–14, 15–17, 18–20, 21–23, and 24–26.
b. Develop a relative frequency distribution and a percent frequency distribution using the classes in part (a).

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2.12 Consider the following frequency distribution....Construct a cumulative frequency distribution and a cumulative relative frequency distribution.
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2.13 Construct a histogram and an ogive for the data in exercise 12.
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2.14 Consider the following data....
a. Construct a dot plot.
b. Construct a frequency distribution.
c. Construct a percent frequency distribution.

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2.15 A doctor’s office staff studied the waiting times for patients who arrive at the office with a request for emergency service. The following data with waiting times in minutes were collected over a one-month period....Use classes of 0–4, 5–9, and so on in the following:
a. Show the frequency distribution.
b. Show the relative frequency distribution.
c. Show the cumulative frequency distribution.
d. Show the cumulative relative frequency distribution.
e. What proportion of patients needing emergency service wait 9 minutes or less?

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2.18 NRF/BIG research provided results of a consumer holiday spending survey (USA Today, December 20, 2005). The following data provide the dollar amount of holiday spending for a sample of 25 consumers....
a. What is the lowest holiday spending? The highest?
b. Use a class width of $250 to prepare a frequency distribution and a percent frequency distribution for the data.
c. Prepare a histogram and comment on the shape of the distribution.
d. What observations can you make about holiday spending?

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2.19 Sorting through unsolicited e-mail and spam affects the productivity of office workers. An InsightExpress survey monitored office workers to determine the unproductive time per day devoted to unsolicited e-mail and spam (USA Today, November 13, 2003). The following data show a sample of time in minutes devoted to this task....Using classes of 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, and so on, summarize the data by constructing the following:
a. A frequency distribution
b. A relative frequency distribution
c. A cumulative frequency distribution
d. A cumulative relative frequency distribution
e. An ogive
f. What percentage of office workers spend 5 minutes or less on unsolicited e-mail and spam? What percentage of office workers spend more than 10 minutes a day on this task?

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2.21 The Nielsen Home Technology Report provided information about home technology and its usage. The following data are the hours of personal computer usage during one week for a sample of 50 persons....Summarize the data by constructing the following:
a. A frequency distribution (use a class width of three hours)
b. A relative frequency distribution
c. A histogram
d. An ogive
e. Comment on what the data indicate about personal computer usage at home.

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2.22 Construct a stem-and-leaf display for the following data....
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2.25 A psychologist developed a new test of adult intelligence. The test was administered to 20 individuals, and the following data were obtained....Construct a stem-and-leaf display for the data.
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2.26 The American Association of Individual Investors conducts an annual survey of discount brokers. The following prices charged are from a sample of 24 discount brokers (AAII Journal, January 2003). The two types of trades are a broker-assisted trade of 100 shares at $50 per share and an online trade of 500 shares at $50 per share....
a. Round the trading prices to the nearest dollar and develop a stem-and-leaf display for 100 shares at $50 per share. Comment on what you learned about broker-assisted trading prices.
b. Round the trading prices to the nearest dollar and develop a stretched stem-and-leaf display for 500 shares online at $50 per share. Comment on what you learned about online trading prices.

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2.27 Most major ski resorts offer family programs that provide ski and snowboarding instruction for children. The typical classes provide four to six hours on the snow with a certified instructor. The daily rate for a group lesson at 15 ski resorts follows (The Wall Street Journal, January 20, 2006)....
a. Develop a stem-and-leaf display for the data.
b. Interpret the stem-and-leaf display in terms of what it tells you about the daily rate for these ski and snowboarding instruction programs.

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2.28 The 2004 Naples, Florida, mini marathon (13.1 miles) had 1228 registrants (Naples Daily News, January 17, 2004). Competition was held in six age groups. The following data show the ages for a sample of 40 individuals who participated in the marathon....
a. Show a stretched stem-and-leaf display.
b. What age group had the largest number of runners?
c. What age occurred most frequently?
d. A Naples Daily News feature article emphasized the number of runners who were “20-something.” What percentage of the runners were in the 20-something age group? What do you suppose was the focus of the article?

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2.29 The following data are for 30 observations involving two qualitative variables, x and y. The categories for x are A, B, and C; the categories for y are 1 and 2....
a. Develop a crosstabulation for the data, with x as the row variable and y as the column variable.
b. Compute the row percentages.
c. Compute the column percentages.
d. What is the relationship, if any, between x and y?

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2.30 The following 20 observations are for two quantitative variables, x and y....
a. Develop a scatter diagram for the relationship between x and y.
b. What is the relationship, if any, between x and y?

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2.33 Recently, management at Oak Tree Golf Course received a few complaints about the condition of the greens. Several players complained that the greens are too fast. Rather than react to the comments of just a few, the Golf Association conducted a survey of 100 male and 100 female golfers. The survey results are summarized here....
a. Combine these two crosstabulations into one with Male and Female as the row labels and Too Fast and Fine as the column labels. Which group shows the highest percentage saying that the greens are too fast?
b. Refer to the initial crosstabulations. For those players with low handicaps (better players), which group (male or female) shows the highest percentage saying the greens are too fast?
c. Refer to the initial crosstabulations. For those players with higher handicaps, which group (male or female) shows the highest percentage saying the greens are too fast?
d. What conclusions can you draw about the preferences of men and women concerning the speed of the greens? Are the conclusions you draw from part (a) as compared with parts (b) and (c) consistent? Explain any apparent inconsistencies.

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2.39 The Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA provides statistics on the most popular majors among incoming college freshmen. The five most popular majors are Arts and Humanities (A), Business Administration (B), Engineering (E), Professional (P), and Social Science (S) (The New York Times Almanac, 2006). A broad range of other (O) majors, including biological science, physical science, computer science, and education, are grouped together. The majors selected for a sample of 64 college freshmen follow....
a. Show a frequency distribution and percent frequency distribution.
b. Show a bar chart.
c. What percentage of freshmen select one of the five most popular majors?
d. What is the most popular major for incoming freshmen? What percentage of freshmen select this major?

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2.44 Data from the U.S. Census Bureau provides the population by state in millions of people (The World Almanac, 2006)....
a. Develop a frequency distribution, a percent frequency distribution, and a histogram. Use a class width of 2.5 million.
b. Discuss the skewness in the distribution.
c. What observations can you make about the population of the 50 states?

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2.45 Drug Store News (September 2002) provided data on annual pharmacy sales for the leading pharmacy retailers in the United States. The following data are annual sales in millions....
a. Show a stem-and-leaf display.
b. Identify the annual sales levels for the smallest, medium, and largest drug retailers.
c. What are the two largest drug retailers?

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2.46 The daily high and low temperatures for 20 cities follow (USA Today, March 3, 2006)....
a. Prepare a stem-and-leaf display of the high temperatures.
b. Prepare a stem-and-leaf display of the low temperatures.
c. Compare the two stem-and-leaf displays and make comments about the difference between the high and low temperatures.
d. Provide a frequency distribution for both high and low temperatures.

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2.47 Refer to the data set for high and low temperatures for 20 cities in exercise 46.
a. Develop a scatter diagram to show the relationship between the two variables, high temperature and low temperature.
b. Comment on the relationship between high and low temperatures.

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2.50 A survey of commercial buildings served by the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company asked what main heating fuel was used and what year the building was constructed. A partial crosstabulation of the findings follows....
a. Complete the crosstabulation by showing the row totals and column totals.
b. Show the frequency distributions for year constructed and for fuel type.
c. Prepare a crosstabulation showing column percentages.
d. Prepare a crosstabulation showing row percentages.
e. Comment on the relationship between year constructed and fuel type.

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2.51 Table 2.16 contains a portion of the data in the file named Fortune. Data on stockholders’ equity, market value, and profits for a sample of 50 Fortune 500 companies are shown.TABLE 2.16 DATA FOR A SAMPLE OF 50 FORTUNE 500 COMPANIES...
a. Prepare a crosstabulation for the variables Stockholders’ Equity and Profit. Use classes of 0–200, 200–400, … , 1000–1200 for Profit, and classes of 0–1200, 1200–2400, … , 4800–6000 for Stockholders’ Equity.
b. Compute the row percentages for your crosstabulation in part (a).
c. What relationship, if any, do you notice between Profit and Stockholders’ Equity?

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2.52 Refer to the data set in Table 2.16.
a. Prepare a crosstabulation for the variables Market Value and Profit.
b. Compute the row percentages for your crosstabulation in part (a).
c. Comment on any relationship between the variables.
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2.53 Refer to the data set in Table 2.16.
a. Prepare a scatter diagram to show the relationship between the variables Profit and Stockholders’ Equity.
b. Comment on any relationship between the variables.
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2.54 Refer to the data set in Table 2.16.
a. Prepare a scatter diagram to show the relationship between the variables Market Value and Stockholders’ Equity.
b. Comment on any relationship between the variables.
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